The Contributors

We are proud to share the thoughts of every one of our colleagues below alongside our own perspectives in the first edition of the book and, to an even greater extent, on this website. We are convinced that great academic mentoring converges just as much on several great ideas as it is a matter of diversity of thought and the necessity of hearing a range of opinions to form your own.

None of our academic mentor contributors was able to read this book in its entirety before it was published. Thus, their contribution merely implies their willingness and ability to help develop student research further. Their contribution does not imply their approval of or support for our or every other view outlined in this book. This project brings together different views for a more complete understanding of the subject.

In the first edition of the book, we were fortunate to be speaking to and learning from these academic mentors from around the world, in alphabetical order:

  • Portrait of Samer Atallah

    Samer Atallah

    We have come in touch with Samer through his work at The American University in Cairo (AUC), a CEMS partner university of our own. Samer works as …

  • Portrait of Kim Beasy

    Kim Beasy

    We are fortunate to have become aware of Kim's work and won her support for this book project through her co-authorship in the insightful and …

  • Portrait of Gundula Bosch

    Gundula Bosch

    We are fortunate to have won Gundula’s cooperation after we learned of her work as Director of the R3 Center for Innovation in Science Education (R3ISE) …

  • Portrait of Matt Farmer

    Matt Farmer

    We have become aware of Matt and his work through his co-authorship of the critically important and valuable article “Marketing Ideas: How to Write Research …

  • Portrait of Steven Floyd

    Steven Floyd

    We are fortunate to know Steve as one of our colleagues at University of St. Gallen, where he still acts as permanent guest professor. Steve was part of the core faculty …

  • Portrait of Urs Jäger

    Urs Jäger

    We are fortunate to know Urs as Chair of Sustainability VIVA Idea Schmidheiny and as associate professor at INCAE Business School. He focuses his work on …

  • Portrait of Timo Korkeamäki

    Tim Korkeamäki

    We were fortunate to win Timo’s cooperation and insights through the link in the CEMS university network between Aalto University and University of St. Gallen. Timo is …

  • Portrait of Günter Müller-Stewens

    Günter Müller-Stewens

    Günter's work as a scientific mentor is among the original inspirations for this book project. It is our particular pleasure to have captured his thoughts on the matter …

  • Portrait of Madhu Neupane Bastola

    Madhu Neupane Bastola

    We invited Madhu to join our panel of associated academic mentors and the interview series after having been impressed by her work on the positive and …

  • Portrait of Ansgar Richter

    Ansgar Richter

    We were fortunate to win Ansgar for the panel of academic mentors through our link in the CEMS university network between Rotterdam School …

  • Marc van Essen

    Marc van Essen

    We are excited to have won Marc as the contributor of this book’s foreword. Marc is Associate Dean of International Programs and Partnerships, Department Chair, and …