Urs Jäger

We are fortunate to know Urs as Chair of Sustainability VIVA Idea Schmidheiny and as associate professor at INCAE Business School. He focuses his work on the area of general management and strategic change in emerging countries with a focus on social inclusion between formal and informal markets, creating concepts based on process philosophy, to generate a sustainable economic and social impact. He also serves as Executive Director of the organization VIVA Idea, where he generates new teaching methods to create and disseminate knowledge about collective impact strategies. Previously, Urs was part of the core faculty of the SIM programme in St. Gallen, where he also supervised final academic projects.

During our conversations on the subject, Urs shared several particularly noteworthy observations from his experience as supervisor. Central among those, we found the notion of students' intellectual attitudes particularly valuable and useful for supervisors when considering candidates. This attentiveness to students' conceptions of science's key terms is just one of many characteristics among skills, capacity, adaptiveness, energy, and many more, that can help careful supervisors to decide whether and how to best support students seeking research mentorship.