“The most useful mindset appears to be to bring a growth mindset. I also like to call that having a clear motive or motivation - your motivation for doing the research. The way you realise the purpose of writing the thesis – so: “Why are you doing that?” The most important mindset for succeeding in the thesis project is to consider it a learning opportunity. It’s not just a component for graduating, but there is a secondary purpose: it’s a great learning opportunity! In the end, working on your thesis is the best opportunity for receiving one-on-one mentoring – a mode of teaching and learning that universities do not offer in most other situations. If you have a learning motive, it encourages you to invest time and effort without getting too tired. If you do not identify with the project, the outcome will not be good. If you know why you are doing it, if you take it as a learning opportunity, so learning to make informed decisions, that will be a life-long skill adopted.”

(Madhu Neupane-Bastola)


Work with the audience


Curiosity of a researcher