Pretty spectacular

“I don’t know anybody who would say: “my thesis process was completely painless, and I loved every day of it.” There is some pain and suffering baked into this whole process. What people should feel afterwards, when they look at their thesis again a year later, is that they should be proud of themselves. After all, they have passed through a filter that not many people have passed through. It is a good reason to pat yourself on the back.

When you are working on your thesis, you have to be tough on yourself, you have to self-discipline, you have plenty of other people who are tough on you—your supervisor, your external evaluators. You receive a lot of criticism, and it takes a very thick skin to take on this criticism with kindness and get done even with the last lady who measures your margins. Once you have passed that stage, you’re entitled to look back and see that you did something pretty spectacular.”

(Timo Korkeamäki)


Leaving a mark


End point