Write like a journey

Determine a healthy work rhythm and go at your own pace. Be mindful of individual impressions and pay attention to detail. Enjoy the journey.

Metaphorically speaking

Just like a good hike, research means taking one step after another many times over. There are several ways of trying to ignore this basic insight, but the fact of the matter is that the journey is in every step—not just the lovely spots, the impressive lookouts, or the destination.

Consequently, do not make your project harder than it has to be by lumping together parts of the challenge that will invariably become too big to work on. Two key ideas are of importance. First, break down your tasks into smaller bits and pieces; second, work on your individual, smaller bits and pieces to advance through your project. If you feel like you are discussing and discussing and planning and planning, but you do not seem to make any progress, you are doing it exactly the other way around. Planning does not make you progress—progress happens when you implement the plan. During implementation, you need to take one step after another.

Research, to a degree, also means telling planning apart from implementation. However, planning depends on your ability to achieve an overview of your project and the interconnections among its components. But implementation requires watching your two feet taking many, many small steps. Telling apart the two modes of thinking of and working on your project provides you with a much better sense of why you are progressing or why you are not.

(This is a preview section. The full chapter on this topic continues with the sections “Rough coordinates”, “Train of thought”, “In essence”, “To reflect”, “Two travellers’ tales”, “Devil’s advocate”, and “How to tackle”.)

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Mitigating mental overload


Be kind to yourself