Maturing your mind
If you allow your project to take a hold of you, the challenge will lead to your mind maturing. It is this maturing that enables you to complete it.
Metaphorically speaking
Travelling means not only getting from A to B but growing your insight into the world and your role in it. Just like growing up, any meaningful growth experience has the potential to subject you to emotional stress that may leave you exhausted at times. It is very likely that you will experience a challenge that goes far beyond what you were routinely used to before. However, there is little growth to be expected if your path does not ask more from you than you thought possible to give.
Consequently, if you feel as if your path through your research project is taking a considerable toll on you, that’s generally a good sign that you are challenging yourself. However, you will be safer from getting stuck or feeling overwhelmed if you are prepared for the realization that a worthwhile project will not feel surprisingly easy once you are inside it. Try to maintain your awareness about your central tasks, the obstacles in your way, and the amount of energy you have available to work with.
Do not try to manage away and avoid everything challenging within your research project. The challenging bits and your response to them are what will make you grow.
(This is a preview section. The full chapter on this topic continues with the sections “Rough coordinates”, “Train of thought”, “In essence”, “To reflect”, “Two travellers’ tales”, “Devil’s advocate”, and “How to tackle”.)
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