Build well-dimensioned bridges
Your research ought to link what is known with what is not yet known. Try to develop a sense of how far your project can reliably reach.
Metaphorically speaking
Research creates a product that will help connect the current status quo of insight (this side of the river) with a future state of even deeper, more discerning understanding of a matter (the far bank of the river), with you being the bridge builder and your project being the bridge.
Consequently, to select the most appropriate place to put up your bridge, you need to select a place where it is not possible to merely jump across (contribution unnecessary) but also where it is not entirely impossible for you to build a bridge (contribution impossible). You need a suitable space—not too far, not too close. Ideally with easily fortifiable bridgeheads on dry grounds—maybe a little island in the middle of the stream.
Research means balancing risk between the superfluously trivial and the devilishly risky. Plan that bridge too far, and people will find it difficult to trust it—even if you managed to pull off the feat (or did you?). Plan that bridge too simplistic or even entirely unnecessary, and people will discover it as such.
(This is a preview section. The full chapter on this topic continues with the sections “Rough coordinates”, “Train of thought”, “In essence”, “To reflect”, “Two travellers’ tales”, “Devil’s advocate”, and “How to tackle”.)
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