A researcher’s humility
Build upon existing knowledge and always remain critical. Rather implement a simpler project reliably than a complex project horribly.
Metaphorically speaking
Research can be a journey. But any journey can only provide you with one impression (albeit a very well-developed and attentively documented one) of many possible impressions of the destination. You will not generate the irrefutable and single truth about your goal and the path to get there, but will capture one impression that is applicable as long as the path is not overgrown, the hill has not seen a mudslide, or that a new highway has not yet been built.
Consequently, be aware that your aim for cannot be an infallible and authoritative insight. You might generate a very valuable perspective and contribution to the subject. You might even find great resonance for adopting a unique or innovative angle on your research subject. But you should always remain aware that no matter how much you invest into your research being independent of your person as a researcher, there will be a final bit of subjectivity in your findings—simply because you set the project up according to your preferences. Your journey to your destination was your journey; and while others might follow in your footsteps, they may find a different experience depending on their perspective.
While research projects attempt objectivity, reliability, and validity, they will always be limited to a degree. Thus, while you may attempt to generate a true insight, it is generally more appropriate to speak of and attempt to generate evidence for a certain understanding of how, for example, actions are related to consequences.
(This is a preview section. The full chapter on this topic continues with the sections “Rough coordinates”, “Train of thought”, “In essence”, “To reflect”, “Two travellers’ tales”, “Devil’s advocate”, and “How to tackle”.)
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